Soon-to-be fiancés everywhere are making sure they have everything they need to pop the question. Whether inspiration has recently hit, or you have been thinking about asking for your special someone’s hand in marriage there are a few more things we recommend you take care of before dropping down on one knee. We want to share with you our proposal checklist, read on to find our top 10 things to do before planning your perfect proposal.
A conversation with their family
Firstly, we couldn’t not start this checklist off without encouraging you to have a conversation with your soon-to-be fiancée’s family and/or loved ones. Marriage is not only about celebrating your love for one and other, its about the combinations of the two families and bringing your loved ones together. Having a conversation with mum, dad, grandma, brother, or best friend is an essential part of planning a proposal. Plus, it will score you massive points and you might even get some proposal inspiration whilst you’re at it.

Money Money Money…
There is not right or wrong amount of money to spend on a ring. More than a quarter of men say that debt is an added stress to the already stressful proposal planning, but it doesn't need to be. Perhaps this is the first time you have ever made such a big purchase attached to an equally big commitment, there is no shame in seeking advice. When it comes to how much you should spend on an engagement ring there are a couple of things you can consider.
Two-months’ salary: this has long been the go-to budget and its one that works well with many people along with their finances. However, this doesn’t necessarily work for everyone. Why is that you ask? Well, this guideline was devised by a jewellery company. So, if you’re not feeling it skip on to number two.
A deeper meaning: We’ve all heard the term ‘a diamond is forever’ in the literal sense the ring you give will likely last forever, therefore it’s an investment. However, in the more figurative sense a forever piece of jewellery can match up quite nicely as a symbolic message of your love and future marriage. The ring you choose should be meaningful and match her values and that of your relationship. If your fiancée to be values history and romance perhaps an heirloom ring from grandma would be perfect, and you wouldn’t need a budget or perhaps diamonds are your future fiancés best friend, and you might need a bigger budget. Remember a penny saved is an engagement ring earned!
Their ring style
Figuring out your future fiancées ring style isn’t an easy task! Especially with all of the options out there. You want your fiancée to fall in love with the ring you picked out for them, we know this can be a daunting task, especially without giving anything away. If you partner has thought about their wedding from the age of five, they might have a Pinterest board with wedding ideas as well as wedding rings they like. If not take one of her friends, family or loved ones with you to look at rings, someone’s opinion you know she’ll trust.

Getting the ring size right
The last thing you want to happen after all of that hard work of planning, budgeting and creating the perfect proposal, is for you to get down on one knee, put the ring on… and it doesn’t fit! So, here’s a few ideas of how to measure your partners ring finger without them knowing.
Use one of their other rings to get an approximate size, take one from their jewellery box, maybe when they are away for a day. Take it into the jewellers and they can measure it up for you!
Use a pen and paper. Whilst your other half is in the shower, or out for coffee, take one of their rings and trace the inside of their ring on the piece of paper, from this a jeweller can figure out the diameter of the ring from your drawing.
Enlist help from a friend, whether it be one that already has an engagement ring, you can ask them to ask your partner to try it on, see how it looks and feedback to you. Or perhaps ask a friend to take her engagement ring shopping (for the friend not your partner).
Or for a more direct approach why not order a ring sizer online.
Buy the Ring
Start by deciding whether you want to buy one online or instore from a jeweller it is important that you take your time finding the right one. A professional jeweller will take the time to really get to know you before showing you any of the jewellery, you want to feel welcome and understood by the jeweller. While long-term care likely isn’t top of mind when you’re selecting the ring, it’s essential you consider the lifelong integrity and beauty of it – having a trusted jeweller will offer enormous peace of mind for years to come. Before going into any jewellers it is vital to understand the basics the four C’s (cut, clarity, colour and caret).

Figure out how you want to propose
Once you’ve bought and ordered the ring, it’s now time to consider how you are going to pop the question. Do you want it to be intimate or extravagant, there are so many creative things you could do make the moment extra special.
Pick a Date
Is there a particular date you have in mind, perhaps your anniversary, or even their birthday. You may have to plan around other people’s schedules for example, the venue, bookings, photographer. Perhaps you want your loved ones there, cross checking your calendar should happen after you’ve planned what you want to do.
Seek help from a professional
If you have a grand idea, or just want some finishing touches our expert team can help you to blow your partner away with your very own custom proposal personal to you both. Each proposal we plan is unique to the individual couple and will remain completely confidential. A moment the two of you will never forget and treasure forever.
Our team at The Cotswold Proposal Planners are here to help you bring your creative ideas to life. We know how hard planning the perfect proposal can be, along with everything else in life and we are here to take that stress off you. Don't be put off by the tourists, we work with venues in the most idyllic locations and we know all the hidden hot spots! The great thing about hiring professionals is that all you have to focus on is getting to the secret location and what you would like to say in the moment.

Plan your speech
The last thing you’ll do before you propose is write your speech. If you are going to make an effort to get down on one knee, create the memorable proposal as well as getting the ring properly sized and all, then getting the words right is essential. We know that sometimes nerves can get the better of you, having que card or rehearsing in the mirror can be a great way for you to figure out the right words to say. Make sure you keep it sentimental, bespoke to your partner and your relationship. You are guaranteed to get the tears going if you do this!
Pop the question
Before you pop the question take time to breath, clear your mind, because before you know it you’ll be engaged!!! You’ve popped the question, now let’s pop the Champagne. Before jumping straight into planning your wedding, just enjoy your engagement and spending some quality time together, that is of course once you’ve made your announcements!
